Sunday 20 January 2013

New year new plans

Now the new year is here I want to find out how I can be a better climber, this can be hard process for some people as it will show you how week you are but you also have to see how strong you are in other areas of climbing and look on that as a positive.

Today i went to reading climbing centre, I wanted to train a bit for my bouldering strength as the winter is here. when i arrived it was good to see such cool wall and good to try some of the routes from the competition they had the previous day. After warming up on some easy roots and catching up with some old friends i got onto the harder ones. I found that I was doing really well and manged to tick off all but three routes first go and from this am feeling really strong.

I have always said that most parts of climbing is in your head and i still believe this to be true. After years of climbing outside you come to relise that there are not many other moves that will be new to you that you have not done before. When onsighting routes this theory will come into effect a lot, all you need to have is the experience to carry this out.
This is something i think you can only gain from climbing outside as climbing indoors is much easier to work out as you have massive yellow holds hitting you in the face not a blank looking limestone cliff. As you look at a climb on a wall you can see some holds and think hell that looks blank. but if you were to set that same route on a indoor wall you would look at it and it would make scene. 
Learning body position and how to hold holds is key. 

drop knee to make more of a rest in a corner

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